My Schedule Monday to Sunday

Lot of curious people usually ask me what I do in my leisure time. What is my schedule on weekdays? Does it change on weekends? What about holidays? The answer is too generic. I usually say I sleep a lot, watched movies, some series or worked on side projects.

But that is not all. There are minor variations in my schedule depending on my mood. I know that most of the time it is just for small talk and people aren't interested in what you did in your free time.

With the possibility of being labelled as a narcissistic, I am outlining my regular schedule below. I have made 3 categories. Regular weekdays, Saturdays and Sundays. Things may change, but for 90% of part it remains the same unless I am not well.


  1. Wake up at 6
  2. Get Ready by 6:30
  3. Spend 6:30 to 7:00 outlining personal goals for week.
  4. Blogs to write
  5. Food to prepare over upcoming weekend
  6. Books to read or request from library
  7. Make credit cards payment
  8. Arrange items on Trello
  9. Catch a bus at 7:10
  10. Read a book in the bus
  11. Reach office at 8:15
  12. Setup computer, keep lunch box in fridge, read news, emails and plan a day with project manager
  13. Attend necessary meetings for one or more projects spanning over 30 minutes
  14. Attend standup for iOS team
  15. Start working on work until 1:00
  16. Have a lunch
  17. Play ping-pong for around 20 minutes
  18. Get back to work until 4:00
  19. Get up, take a break, make a coffee and play some more ping pong
  20. Get back to work and continue until 4:57
  21. Leave at 4:57 to catch a 2R bus to E. Main st. to Reynoldsburg
  22. Reach home, check for any notices, reminders or ultimatums by landlord. Say hi to neighbors.
  23. Change clothes, put tiffin in the sink. Start heating the food.
  24. Open the laptop and start a nice movie or documentary
  25. Finish meal by 7:30-45
  26. Clean all utensils. Make sure to empty the sink before going to bed
  27. Brush the teeth and arrange bag for another day so as to avoid morning hassle. Clean the kitchen.
  28. Write blog, personal projects, go through swift newsletter, chat with friends and listen to Amazing Chopin Nocturnes
  29. Make sure to have reached day's goals. If not, make updated goals list for next day
  30. Setup an alarm for 6:00 AM. Switch off the light. Make sure heater/AC is set to 68F for comfortable sleep
  31. Sleep


  1. If it is a Thursday, leave the office early and go to Walmart for weekly grocery shopping
  2. If it is a Friday and I have any library books to return, leave early and schedule a meeting with library drop off
  3. Sometime workload is too much. In that case leave an hour late and catch 6:22 bus heading towards Reynoldsburg
  4. If I need some emergency item, leave early and visit Giant Eagle which is on my way to bus stop
  5. If it is a Friday, go to bed at 2:00 in the morning
  6. Again, if it's a Friday spend 7:00-11:00 PM in culinary skills


  1. Wake up at 9:00AM
  2. Make tea, take a bath, do not open laptop for office work.
  3. Get ready with everything by 11:00
  4. Call home and speak to Mom and Dad for 2-2:30 hours
  5. Cook food while talking and get it ready by 3:00
  6. Have lunch by 3:30 or max 4:00 while watching any nice movie of documentary
  7. Take an hour nap if feeling sleepy. Or just start working on side projects, learning new programming languages or read a book. (4:00-8:00PM)
  8. Make a tea at 8:00PM and have it by 8:30
  9. 8:30-11:00 work on some unfinished business, side projects and more fiddling with Swift code samples
  10. 1:00 Have a dinner
  11. 2:00 Go to bed


  1. Wake up at 8:00AM
  2. Brush the teeth, have tea and get ready by 10:00
  3. Read some news, book and clean the house. It may include cleaning
  4. Toilet
  5. Bathroom
  6. Fridge
  7. carpet
  8. clothes in the washer and dryer
  9. Cooking range
  10. Kitchen
  11. Sink
  12. Microwave Oven
  13. Make some more food for weekdays lunchbox
  14. Clean the kitchen after cooking
  15. Work on side projects, code sample, blog and plan for next week. Finish up the backlog
  16. Have lunch at 1:00PM
  17. Take an hour nap between 3:00-4:00PM
  18. 4-8:00PM work!
  19. Take a dinner at 8:00, clean the kitchen, sink and brush the teeth. Wash all utensils and put in the dishwasher to dry.
  20. Collect all trash and put in the trash bag. (This trash bag will be thrown away on next day - Monday)
  21. Work some more from 9:00-11:00PM
  22. Put an alarm for 6:00AM and go to bed.